An introduction to this blog

It is quite a bit now, that I have been thinking of writing this blog, but so much happened in the past years and I am kind of settling just now. So when earlier I was driving back from work, I have decided to finally start…this.

Here I will write mostly about my vegan lifestyle, sharing my love for cats, books, libraries, travels. And I will just throw my thoughts about general/random stuff. ‘And why are you doing this? Aren’t there already too many of these blogs around the Net?’ might ask whoever should come across the present blog. Well, I am quite aware of the fact that there are plenty of similar blogs to this one. But I like the (selfish) idea of contributing to something bigger, with my personal experiences and thoughts. I’ll see how this will go.

WARNING: Keep in mind that this blog does not want to please anyone. I am open to comments and opinion differing from mine, as long as you haveĀ a polite behaviour.