The Rainy Day by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Hello beauties! How are you? I started the Limpia again this past Monday: the SAD has been kicking in, especially with stomach ache, and I have been feeling like I needed to do a detox so I moved the Limpia up to April instead of May. Hopefully, it will help.

For the Meteoropathics

However, last Sunday, I was enjoying the Spring weather as it was a stormy day, with a lot of wind, and spent a bit of time reading in the garden. While I was sitting there enjoying a Matcha and Moringa Latte, I was looking at the sky: the clouds were passing by so quickly and saw in between them a bright and shiny sun. The sun was always there. It doesn’t go away: it’s a giant, hot ball of gas and other stuff, some millions of miles from us. Clouds form, they stay a bit and then they go away. The sun doesn’t- it’s just there.

And that’s what I was thinking – people often refer to the clouds and the rain with sadness; when it rains for even a couple of days, my parents would say how much the weather brings with it a low mood. While I don’t experience this, I understand well how natural, external factors (i.e. weather, change of season, etc.) can affect a person. As I was saying, I love stormy weather and I do enjoy a windy day, where you can just about perceive the sun, but it will be mostly cloudy with a slight chance of rain.

What I usually think though, is that the sun is just behind the clouds and they will go away at some point. A phrase comes to mind: “The sun is always there”. (Also “The crops need rain!” – for all the aficionados of Schitt’s Creek.)

Obviously, this is not an original thought, but I wasn’t sure where I already heard this and looking online, I found that a very similar phrase is found in the poem “The Rainy Day” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

The Rainy Day by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 – 1882)

THE DAY is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,
But at every gust the dead leaves fall,
    And the day is dark and dreary.

My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
My thoughts still cling to the mouldering Past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,
    And the days are dark and dreary.

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
    Some days must be dark and dreary.



Wishing you all the best for 2024 (and some advice for this new year)!

Hi cuties, I just wanted to wish you all the very best for this brand-new year! I don’t really believe in the “New Year, New Me” theory – it is a very arbitrary way of viewing life and forcing ourselves to make a quick switch in habits that is really not doable for many people. As I see things, gradual changes, easing myself into things and building consistency is more what works for me.

Set Your Priorities

There is always room for improvement, but you have to look at what you want to do and set priorities – it’s detrimental to your mental and physical health to start 5 different projects and then feel overwhelmed if you don’t manage to finish any of them in time. Not everything is urgent: some things will need to be done before others and some can wait a bit longer.

“Word of the Year”

I am going to take a few days to choose my “Word of the Year” and will let you know as soon as I’ve decided. It might seem silly, but setting a “Word of the Year” has a grounding effect on me whenever I feel overwhelmed by the situations around me: I go back to that word and focus on what I was thinking when I chose it, why I chose it and this usually helps in centering my attention to what I want to do.

Your health is your wealth

This is a phrase that I learned when I started working at the library, and it was my boss who told me this. And I am always thinking about that – it is absolutely useless working yourself to maximum strain to get more money if then you’ll be sick and unable to enjoy it. If you’re healthy, that’s the main thing!


In conclusion, I truly wish you all the best for the next 365 days!



December Affirmations – Day 28

It might sound like one of those phrases that people say “focus on the small things in life” – but in a world overly complicated, constantly bombarded by sensationalist news, ideas of appearing in a certain way, and owning things, really what we need is to look at what we have and be grateful for it. Practicing gratitude will let you see that what you have is all that you need. Gratitude is diametrically opposite to greed and by being grateful to what you have, you are quietly but surely going against capitalism and consumerism. And that is good.

Gratitude changes my focus on what is good in my life

December Affirmations – Day 27

Food is one of the most important aspects of life as it is necessary for the survival of all living beings. As humans in a society mostly consumeristic and capitalistic, many of us have lost touch with how food is made and how it arrives on our plates. Especially those eating meat and fish, and drinking milk have a high cognitive dissonance with how what they eat did arrive on their plate – not only for the animal lives involved, but also for all the workers who had to process them.

This is not to say that vegans are always fully conscious of all that is behind their food, but we have connected some dots. However, unless you are producing your own food, many people have been handling your food, from the seed to getting the final product on the shelves. When you are making your next meal, think about how those ingredients have arrived in your hands and thank all those who have worked so that you could have them in your kitchen.

I realize that whatever I eat and drink passes through many hands before reaching me. I am thankful to all these people.

December Affirmations – Day 26

This is so important and it is not easy because there are so many circumstances that make you feel like you do not have the energy and passion to make your thoughts a reality. But I found that creating a routine does help in dedicating some energy to do this – even chipping away 5 minutes per day it can be useful to build your passions, and then you can eventually build up from there.

I have the energy and passion to make my thoughts a reality.

December Affirmations – Day 25

All emotions are valid and must be listened to so that it is possible to deal with them. When talking about affirmations, gratitude, and building a more loving life, there can be a risk of stepping into what is known as “toxic positivity”, basically only looking for positive emotions (i.e. “positive vibes only”) without wanting to deal with the negative ones. But that is not a healthy way of living: when you don’t deal with something, that will just build up and what could have been a manageable thing will then be much more difficult to deal with down the road.

Learning how to cope with different emotions will help grow and truly live a kind and grateful life.

I accept my emotions and let them serve their purpose

December Affirmations – Day 24

Many of the affirmations for gratitude and kindness seem to be connected to the Law of Attraction, or at least to principles similar to such law because in order to practice gratitude and a kinder life, we also have to be kind to others and show gratitude for what we have in our lives. In doing so we will be on the receiving end of good things and positive experiences.

My heart is open and receptive to giving and receiving love. I am a magnet for positive loving experiences

December Affirmations – Day 23

There isn’t much we can do to live a more peaceful life, especially because we cannot control external factors and circumstances (i.e. family, friends, politics, society we live in, etc.). However, what we can do is to try and take back control of some aspects of our life – we can feel overwhelmed when things are spiraling and we can’t get a grip of a situation or also emotions. But when we pause and focus on just the next step, complete said step, and then think about the next one and so on, this can help us regain control and ultimately bring back peace to ourselves. Similar to when you have to complete any task that, at first, looks like immense, but then, if you break it down in smaller tasks, it will help us accomplish said task.

I preserve the peace I feel surrounding me by seeking out the good in each and every situation today

December Affirmations – Day 22

There is a fine line between being selfish and self-love – by being selfish, one does things only for oneself without thinking about how one’s actions might affect others. But self-love is different: self-love is showing kindness to oneself, is thinking about doing things but there is also a consideration of how actions might affect others. And in a way, self-love is what enables us to also help others. We can’t pour from an empty cup: loving yourself and showing kindness to yourself will enable you to better help others.

I choose to be kind to myself and love myself unconditionally

December Affirmations – Day 21

There are days when you will feel low and it is not realistic to always be positive and chirpy. Nevertheless, there are days when we feel good and we can better appreciate life and what it brings us. Whenever there is a good day, embrace it so that on one of those low days one can look back and smile.

I welcome and appreciate the good things life has to offer. It is my greatest desire to live each and every day with unlimited gratitude